Netgate Registry Cleaner 7.x.x Full Keygen

Selamat Pagi Sobat.
pagi ini saya akan berbagi Netgate Registry Cleaner 7.x.x Full Keygen

NETGATE Registry Cleaner membersihkan dan defragment registri , kecepatan - up PC Sobat , menghapus file yang tidak dibutuhkan pada disk , menghapus jejak aktivitas . Ini termasuk manajer Startup untuk mengelola program dimulai pada Windows startup dan manajer Uninstall untuk aplikasi berguna uninstall . Mendukung penjadwalan scan dan opsi cadangan untuk keamanan yang lebih baik .

Registry Cleaner Features:
  1. Registry Defragmentation
  2. Registry Backup and Restore
  3. Startup Manager - manages all applications that starts at Windows startup
  4. Uninstall Manager - handy tool for quick uninstall of application from your system
  5. Backup - all removed items are stored in backup until permanent deletition; it can be restored anytime
  6. Registry Cleanup:
  7. Missing Shared Library
  8. Unused File Extension
  9. Invalid ActiveX/COM
  10. Invalid Type Library
  11. Open with Application
  12. Edit with Application
  13. Print with Application
  14. Application Paths
  15.  Missing Help File
  16.  Installer Reference
  17. Uninstall Entry
  18. Software Installations
  19. Startup Entry
  20. MUI Cache
  21. Invalid Open/Save Entry
  22. Old StartMenu Ordering Entry
  23. Invalid Default Icon
  24. Invalid/Empty Class
  25. Missing Type Library
  26. Empty Keys
  27. Disk Cleanup
  28. Traces Removal
  29. Scheduling support - cleanup can be scheduled at specified time
  30. Multilanguage translation support
  31. Skin support
  32. Premium technical support
  33. Registry Shield Protection - protects browser homepage from changing, etc.

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 Link Download di sini

Panduan Instal
  1. Download File Zipnya dan Extract dan Instal
  2. Disconnect Internet Sobat
  3. Jalankan keygen dan menghasilkan kodenya
  4. Masukkan Kodenya untuk mengaktifkan
  5. Selesai

WORK TASTED : Windows XP/7/8 

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