WinCatalog 2014 10.1Full Serial Key

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sore ini saya akan berbagi WinCatalog 2014 10.1Full Serial Key
apa itu WinCatalog 2014 10.1 ?
WinCatalog 2014 adalah software juru katalog serbaguna untuk disk , file, folder dan benda non - berkas . Sobat pasti sudah untuk melacak di mana beberapa file yang terletak di komputer sobat terutama jika sobat memiliki koleksi besar CD dan DVD . Jika sobat adalah salah satu dari para pengguna yang mempunyai data-data banyak/folder banyak, maka pasti terbayar untuk memiliki alat yang tepat untuk bekerja dengan tugas seperti itu . WinCatalog adalah utilitas perangkat lunak yang dirancang untuk membantu sobat menemukan dokumen dan data dari komputer sobatdengan membangun indeks yang menawarkan akses cepat ke mereka . Program ini dapat dikuasai bahkan oleh pengguna yang kurang berpengalaman .

apa saja keunggulannya ?
  1. Ability to catalog any storage devices accessible from Windows environment.
  2. Ability to catalog individual folders on disks.
  3. Automatic extraction of archive file descriptions when scanning a disk.
  4. Automatic extraction of EXIF tags from digital photographs.
  5. Retrieval of Audio CD track names from Internet CD database.
  6. Support of non-file items: it is enabling you to catalog your books, videos or even postage stamps and coins!
  7. Individual comments for each item: disk, folder or file.
  8. Ability to manage your collection between virtual folders using Drag’n’Drop.
  9. Each item is associated with a set of keywords to increase the search relevancy.
  10. The catalog can be searched by file name, comment and keywords, date and size.
  11. Powerful search functionality: ability to use AND, NOT, OR operators and wildcards.
  12. Ability to search the entire catalog or an individual disk.
  13. When the disk data is updated, the previously entered comments and keywords are preserved.
  14. Ability to delete from the catalog the unnecessary files and folders.
  15. Ability to export and import parts of collection and the list of contacts.
  16. Ability to generate reports.
  17. Ability to generate HTML reports for sending to someone, publishing on the Web or printing.
  18. Ability to export any folder to .CSV file (comma separated values) for opening catalog in MS Excel or other applications.
  19. Ability to automatically open the last catalog when the application is started.
  20. Multilingual interface.

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Link Download di sini

  1. Offical Setup
    WinCatalog 2014 10.1 (8,25MB)
  2. Serial Keys 
Panduan Instal
  1. Silahkan Sobat Download Softwarenya dari Link Di atas
  2. Masukkan Serial Keys di atas
  3. Selesai

WORK TASTED : Windows XP/7/8 
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