Selamat Pagi Sobat.
pagi ini saya akan berbagi Zonealarm Pro Firewall 2015 Full Serial Keys
Zonealarm Pro Firewall 2015 melindungi PC Windows Sobat dari gangguan dan ancaman online . Sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan bekerja bersama antivirus Sobat dan alat-alat keamanan lainnya , termasuk banyak firewall lain . Its Auto - Pelajari fitur sesuai dengan Sobat menggunakan komputer . Setelah Sobat membiarkan aplikasi Sobat sering digunakan , ZoneAlarm sebagian besar bekerja di latar belakang , hanya muncul ketika sesuatu berubah , seperti ketika Sobat menginstal sebuah program baru - atau beberapa hacker mencoba untuk .
Untuk menginstal ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall , Sobat harus memilih untuk toolbar IE dan penyedia pencarian ( yang membuat ZoneAlarm gratis) , meskipun mereka uninstall dengan satu klik ; atau ( seperti kita ) Sobat hanya bisa menggunakan browser yang berbeda . Proses setup ZoneAlarm mencakup memilih AUTO - BELAJAR opsional dan MAX SECURITY mode , dan wizard melakukan pekerjaan yang baik untuk menjelaskan keduanya. Setelah selesai, ZoneAlarm menunjukkan statusnya dalam Surat ikon baki sistem dan konsol utama yang juga ditawarkan Peralatan dan fitur lainnya .
Tapi itu hanya langkah pertama dengan ZoneAlarm . Untuk sementara , keamanan pop - up akan muncul secara teratur, termasuk yang pertama kali Sobat menjalankan program Sobat dan ketika antivirus dan updaters perangkat lunak lain mencoba untuk mengakses Internet . Sobat dapat mengklik " Allow" atau " Deny , " seperti yang diperlukan , dan centang kotak untuk memiliki ZoneAlarm ingat pilihan Sobat . Setelah beberapa saat , pop - up muncul lebih jarang , namun jangan malas dan secara refleks klik " Allow" setiap kali ! ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall adalah efektif dan mudah digunakan .
Berikut Fitur-Fiturnya :
- Advanced Firewall
- Monitors programs for suspicious behavior spotting and stopping new attacks that bypass traditional anti-virus protection.
- Two-way Firewall
- Makes your PC invisible to hackers and stops spyware from sending your data out to the Internet.
- Private Browsing
- Erases your tracks - allowing you to surf the Web in complete privacy.
- Identity Protection
- Helps to prevent identity theft by guarding your personal data.
- Do Not Track
- Stops data collecting companies from tracking you online.
- Facebook Privacy Scan
- Scans your recent Facebook activity and alerts you to privacy concerns. Control what others can see.
- Online Backup
- Backs up files and restores your data in the event of hardware malfunction.
- Privacy & Security Toolbar
- Provides Site Check, Do Not Track, Facebook Privacy Scan, private browsing and more.
Link Download di sini
- Offical Setup
Zonealarm Trial Firewall 2015 - Serial Key :
- Download File Zipnya dan Extract dan Instal
- Instal aplikasi dan sesuaikan homescreen sobat seperti yang sobat inginkan untuk melihatnya
- Selesai
WORK TASTED : Windows XP/7/8
Pasword :
Operating system requirements
Microsoft® Windows® 8, 8.1 :
RTM Versions:
32-bit processor, 2 GB RAM
64-bit processor, 4 GB RAM
2 GHz or faster processor
250MB of available hard-disk space (100MB for ZoneAlarm free firewall)
Microsoft® Windows® 7: SP0 or SP1
All Versions:
32-bit / 64-bit, 2 GB RAM
2 GHz or faster processor
250MB of available hard-disk space (100MB for ZoneAlarm free firewall)
Microsoft Windows Vista SP2
All Versions:
32-bit / 64-bit, 2 GB RAM
2 GHz or faster processor
250MB of available hard-disk space (100MB for ZoneAlarm free firewall)
Microsoft Windows, XP SP2 or SP3
Home / Professional:
32-bit, 1GB RAM
1 GHz or faster processor
250MB of available hard-disk space(100MB for ZoneAlarm free firewall)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later: Required to run ZoneAlarm.
If the required .NET Framework version is not already installed, the ZoneAlarm installation program automatically installs .NET on your computer.
Feature-specific requirements
Browser security requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10
Firefox 25 or greater
Spam filtering and MailSafe requirements (not available in all ZoneAlarm products)
Mailsafe supports SMTP outbound only
Outlook Express
POP3: Supported
IMAP: Supported if Outlook Express is set to download the entire message (not just message header)
POP3: Supported
Note: WinMail IMAP not supported
Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010
Exchange: Supported
POP3: Supported
IMAP: Supported if Outlook is set to download the entire message (not just message header)
Parental controls (Not available in all ZoneAlarm products):
Parental controls work for any Web browser, and for any program that can be used to surf the Web.
Microsoft® Windows® 8, 8.1 :
RTM Versions:
32-bit processor, 2 GB RAM
64-bit processor, 4 GB RAM
2 GHz or faster processor
250MB of available hard-disk space (100MB for ZoneAlarm free firewall)
Microsoft® Windows® 7: SP0 or SP1
All Versions:
32-bit / 64-bit, 2 GB RAM
2 GHz or faster processor
250MB of available hard-disk space (100MB for ZoneAlarm free firewall)
Microsoft Windows Vista SP2
All Versions:
32-bit / 64-bit, 2 GB RAM
2 GHz or faster processor
250MB of available hard-disk space (100MB for ZoneAlarm free firewall)
Microsoft Windows, XP SP2 or SP3
Home / Professional:
32-bit, 1GB RAM
1 GHz or faster processor
250MB of available hard-disk space(100MB for ZoneAlarm free firewall)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later: Required to run ZoneAlarm.
If the required .NET Framework version is not already installed, the ZoneAlarm installation program automatically installs .NET on your computer.
Feature-specific requirements
Browser security requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10
Firefox 25 or greater
Spam filtering and MailSafe requirements (not available in all ZoneAlarm products)
Mailsafe supports SMTP outbound only
Outlook Express
POP3: Supported
IMAP: Supported if Outlook Express is set to download the entire message (not just message header)
POP3: Supported
Note: WinMail IMAP not supported
Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010
Exchange: Supported
POP3: Supported
IMAP: Supported if Outlook is set to download the entire message (not just message header)
Parental controls (Not available in all ZoneAlarm products):
Parental controls work for any Web browser, and for any program that can be used to surf the Web.
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