Ashampoo HDD Control 3 Full RegKeys

Selamat Pagi Sobat.pagi ini saya akan berbagi Ashampoo HDD Control 3 Full RegKeys

Selama drive berfungsi dengan baik, Sobat akan terbuai ke dalam rasa aman yang palsu. Namun, ketika hard drive dipercaya tiba-tiba gagal, ini lebih dari sekedar ketidaknyamanan kecil. Akibatnya, data yang hilang seringkali sangat merusak. Ashampoo HDD Control Oleh karena itu cocok untuk meningkatkan kinerja drive Sobat, menjaga terhadap kegagalan disk dan menghapus kekacauan dari hard drive Sobat, ketika melakukan ketiga fungsi monitoring, pemeliharaan dan defragmentasi.

Fitur :
  1. Monitoring: The software supports all commonly available IDE and serial ATA drives. Devices connected to the system via USB, firewire or RAID controller often do not support this function. Based on the type of drive in use, Ashampoo provides the user with all important facts and information, including the firmware version, cache size, number of configured partitions, drive space and current temperature. In the final report, the program also provides information on the health and performance of the hard drive.
  2. Maintenance: Over time, an ever-growing number of unwanted and unneeded files accumulate on your hard drive and Ashampoo HDD Control is a useful tool to help you locate and delete these files. Temporary files, files in the recycling bin and backup copies are all removed. In addition, the software empties the cache, clears the browsing history and erases cookies from the Internet browser.
  3. Defragmentation: With its defrag module, the program is able to read out file fragments and arrange these in one cluster on the hard drive to ensure rapid access. As a result, the hard drive needs to spin less while the performance remains unchanged. As an additional benefit, there is less demand placed on system resources. Proactive defragmentation uses the time when you are not working to measure the level of disk fragmentation. If it needs to be defragmented, the process is started .

Coba deh sob:

 Link Download di bawah ini

Panduan Instal
  1. InstalAshampoo HDD Control 3
  2. Setelah Di Intsal silahkan Close Softwarenya
  3. Dan Jalankan Setiap Dari  ->a] RegistrationHDD Control 3х86.reg  OR  b] RegistrationHDD Control 3х64.reg
  4. According To Your x86 or x64  bit Operating Systems
  5. Selamat Software Sobat tedaftar
WORK TASTED : Windows XP/7/8 
Operating system requirements

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1

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