Screenpresso Full Serial Key

Screenpresso Full Serial Key

Screenpresso Full Serial Key

Selamat Pagi Sobat.pagi ini saya akan berbagi Screenpresso Full Serial Key

Gambar dan screen capture video . Menghemat waktu untuk menjelaskan sesuatu kepada rekan-rekan Sobat dan klien . Screenpresso menangkap desktop Sobat ( screenshot dan video HD ) untuk dokumen pelatihan Sobat , pekerjaan desain kolaboratif , laporan bug IT . Screenpresso adalah BARU Ringan alat layar ambil dengan built -in editor foto , pengguna panduan pembangkit dan berbagi pilihan .

Mudah untuk menggunakan alat untuk membuat screenshot dengan built - in editor gambar dan kemampuan untuk mengatur gambar selesai di Internet . Program ini memungkinkan Sobat untuk menangkap seluruh layar , bagian-bagiannya , jendela tertentu ( termasuk bergulir ) , serta untuk menangkap format video high -definition , menyimpan MP4 , WebM , WMV , OGG , atau ekspor ke HTML5 . Built - in editor memungkinkan Sobat untuk memotong gambar , menambahkan bayangan drop , sudut dibulatkan , refleksi , teks dan banyak lagi . Screenshot siap dapat dikirim ke Twitter , Facebook , G - Mail , Evernote , Flickr atau server FTP- , dan mengirim video ke layanan Youtube .

Fitur :

  1. Capture windows and screen . Capture of the screen or your desired window equally fast way. It’s simple.
  2. Portable program . No need to install the program. You can run it immediately after download.
  3. History screenshots. There is no need to save screenshots on your hard drive , Screenpresso do it for you . It’s practical .
  4. Sending screenshots by email. Drag and drop screenshots from history directly to your favorite email program. E -mail , for example , GMail is also supported ! It’s quick and convenient.
  5. Built-in image editor . Crop your images . Highlight all part of the captured images or text on it. It is rational and just .
  6. Capture scrolling the screen. You can not make a full screen shot ? Create your own unique image with the integrated mechanism of image stitching . It intelligently and elegantly .
  7. Adding effects . Work as professionals. Add shadows, rounded corners , reflection and even more effects . Slickener your screenshot.
  8. Changing the size of images. Need to export images or create thumbnails of a particular size ? Nothing could be simpler : a single click !
  9. Accommodation screenshots on Web resources. Simple accommodation screenshots on Twitter, Facebook, G-Mail, Evernote, Flickr or FTP.
Screenpresso Full Serial Key

Coba deh sob:

 Link Download di bawah ini

  • Offical Setup
    Screenpresso Full Serial Key
  • Key



Panduan Instal

  1. Download Screenpresso dari Link Di atas
  2. Jalankan Softwarennya
  3. pergi ke Pengaturan Screenpresso dan Klik Upgrade ke Pro
  4. Gunakan salah satuSerial Keys Di Atas dan Uggrade
  5. Selesai
WORK TASTED : Windows XP/7/8 
Operating system requirements

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1

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