Active Boot Disk Suite 9.0.0 Full Serial Key

Active Boot Disk Suite 9.0.0 Full Serial Key

Active Boot Disk Suite 9.0.0

Selamat Pagi Sobat.pagi ini saya akan berbagiActive Boot Disk Suite 9.0.0

Active @ Boot Disk adalah sebuah sistem operasi komputer yang lengkap dan berfungsi pada CD / DVD / USB disk. Active @ Boot Disk tidak memodifikasi sistem operasi telah terinstal di hard drive komputer . Ini mencakup banyak alat untuk boot komputer dan memperbaiki paling startup , konfigurasi PC , dan masalah manajemen sistem .

Fitur :

  1. Full access to non-bootable PC
  2. Network access via TCP/IP, network configurator is included
  3. Ability to start non-bootable PC for full access to it
  4. Boot Disk media may be removed from the system after successfully
  5. booting the system
  6. Start from a CD, DVD or USB flash drive (appropriate BIOS settings required)
  7. Multi-boot or dual-boot functionality (DOS + Windows)
  8. Recovery utilities recover deleted files, or recover data from deleted/damaged partitions
  9. Ability to backup and restore data (Disk Image)
  10. Administrator password resetting Utility for resetting your Windows user passwords including Administrator account
  11. DoD-compliant disk erasing & wiping of free space on PC disks, securely erase data
Active Boot Disk Suite 9.0.0 Full Serial Key

Coba deh sob:

 Link Download di bawah ini

Panduan Instal

  1. Download Active Boot Disk Suite 9.0.0 Trial dari Link di atas
  2. Masukkan nama dan Key yang di sediakan di atas..
  3. Selesai
WORK TASTED : Windows XP/7/8 
Operating system requirements

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1

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