Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 Full Version With Crack

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 Full Version With Crack

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 Full Version With Crack

Selamat Pagi Sobat.pagi ini saya akan berbagi Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 Full Version With Crack

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 (PES 2015 disingkat) dan dikenal secara resmi sebagai World SoccerGame. Ini adalah dunia yang paling terkenal pertandingan sepak bola pc di kalangan generasi muda. Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 adalah game simulasi sepak bola yang dikembangkan oleh PES Productions dan diterbitkan oleh Konami.

Fitur :

  1. Folder Lock Protect your data from unwanted access and visibility by blocking access to the files, folders, drives, and programs.
  2. You can encrypt your personal files using 256-bit on-the-fly military grade encryption technology.
  3. It Secure Your Backup By Uploading all your private data you keep in your Lockers onto a cloud server without manually managing your backups.
  4. You can copy encrypted lockers to a USB & other external data storage devices using the Protect USB Drive feature.
  5. Folder Lock’s shred file feature enables you to securely delete personal data, removing all traces leading to your personal identity.
  6. Save your credit card and debit card related information utilizing 256-bit AES encryption with make Wallets feature.Keeps your identity safe from identity thieves and e-criminals.
  7. Clean History feature on Folder Lock enables you to delete your online digital footprint, removing all traces of online browsing activities.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 Full Version With Crack

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 Full Version With Crack

Coba deh sob:

 Link Download di bawah ini

Panduan Instal

  1. Download game Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 dari link di atas.
  2. Ekstrak menggunakan winrar, maka Sobat akan mendapatkan sebuah folder.
  3. Masuk ke dalam folder dan menjalankan setup.exe
  4. Lakukan instalasi seperti biasa sampai selesai.
  5. Jika sudah selesai, jangan menjalankan game.
  6. Copy semua file di folder Crack ke direktori instalasi PES 2015
  7. Jika muncul notif, cukup pilih Tempel dan timpa.
  8. Pengaturan resolusi dan fullscreen di setting.exe
  9. Selesai.

WORK TASTED : Windows XP/7/8 


Operating system requirements

  • Windows 7 SP1/Vista SP2
  • Intel Core 2 Duo @1.8Ghz (AMD Athlon II X2 240 or equivalent processor)
  • 1 GB RAM
  • nVidia GeForce 7800/ATI Radeon X1300/Intel HD Graphics 2000
  • DirectX 9.0c Compatible Video Card with 512MB
  • 8GB free HDD space
  • Windows 7 SP1/Vista SP2
  • Intel Core i3 530 (AMD Athlon II X4 925 or equivalent processor)
  • 2 GB RAM
  • nVidia GeForce 7950/ATI Radeon HD 2400/Intel HD Graphics 3000
  • DirectX 9.0c Compatible Video Card with 1024MB
  • 8GB free HDD space

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